Sinkin of di Taitanik

Pentin of a sinkin ship, wit pipo wey dey row laifboat for di fograund and oda pipo for di wota. Icebegs dey visibul for di bakgraund

RMS Taitanik sink for di eli monin hauas of 15 April 1912 for di Nort Atlantik Ocean, on di foht day of ha maiden voyaij from Sauthampton to Niu Yok Citi. As di lajes ocean laina wey dey in savis at dat taim, Taitanik been get an estimated 2,224 pipo on bod wen an Icebeg straik am for araund 23:40 (ship's taim)[Nout: At di taim of di kolishon, Di kluok-dem for di Taitanik been dey set to 2 hauas 2 minits ahead of di Eastan Taim Zoun, and 2 hauas 58 minits behaind Greenwich Mean Taim. Di taim for di ship been dey set to midnait, 13–14 April 1912, and dey bayzd on di expeted posishon of Taitanik at lokal aparent noon on 14 April, wey in turn dey bayzd on di sta saihts of di evenin of 13 April, adjusted bai dead rekonin. Due to di unfoldin disasta, Taitanik kluok-dem no dey adjusted at midnight of 14–15 April.]] on Sunday, 14 April 1912. Ha sinkin tuw hauas and fohti minits afta at 02:20 ship taim (05:18 GMT) on Monday, 15 April, risolt for di kpaiyin of moh than 1,500 pipo, mekin am wan of di dedlies peastaim maritaim disastas for histori.

Taitanik been riceiv six warnin of sea ice on 14 April but been dey travul for a speed of rofli 22kn|km/h wen ha lukauts saiht di icebeg. Unable to turn quikli enouf, di ship suffa a glancin blow wey bokul ha stabod side and opun six of ha sixteen kompatments to di sea. Taitanik been dey desaind to stay afloat wit flood for up to foh of ha forwod kompatments, and di kreu yuz distres flares and radio (waiales) mesaij-dem to atrat hep as di pasenja-dem enta laifboats.

In akodans wit existin praktis, di Taitanik laifboat system dey desaind to feri pasenjas to niabai reskeu vesuls, no bi to hold evribodi wey dey on bod simultaneousli; diafoh, wit di ship sinkin rapidli and hep stil hauas ewei, sayf refeuj no dey for plenti of di pasenjas and kreu wit onli twenti laifboats, inkludin foh kolapsibul laifboats. Poor prepareshon for and manejment of di evakuashon mean say dem launch plenti boats bifoh dem dey fuli komplit.

Di Taitanik sink wit ova a tausand pasenjas and kreu stil on bod. Almos aul of those wey jump or fall enta di sea drawn or kpai widin minits due to di efekt of kold chok and incapacitashon. RMS Kapatia araiv abaut an haua and a haf afta di sinkin and reskeu aul of di 710 sovaivos bai 09:15 on 15 April, som nain and a haf hauas afta di kolishon. Di disasta chok di wold and kaus waidspred autraij ova di lak of enouf laifboats, lax reguleshons, and di unequal treatment of third-klas pasenjas durin di evakueshon. Subsequent inquaiaris rekomend sweepin chenjis to maritaim reguleshons, wey lead to di establishment for 1914 of di Intaneshonal Konvenshon for di Saifti of Laif for Sea (SOLAS) wey stil dey govan maritaim saifti today.


Taitanik for sea traials, 2 April 1912

At di taim of ha entri into savis on 2 April 1912, di Taitanik been bi di sekond of tri, and been bi di lajes ship for di wold. Shi and di elia RMS Olympic been almost bi wan and a haf taims di gros rejista tonaij of Kunard own RMS Lusitania and RMS Mauretania, di previous rekod holdas, and been niali dey 100ft longa. Di Taitanik fit kari 3,547 pipo for speed and komfot, and been dey built for an unprecedented skayl. Ha reciprokaetin enjins been bi di lajes wey don eva dey biult, standin 40ft hai and wit cylindas 9ft in diameta requaiarin di burnin of 600LT of koul pa day.

Di akomodaeshon for pasenjas, espeshali di fes klas seshon, akodin to wetin pipo tok bi "of unraivald extent and magnificens", wey evun di fees wey fes klas akomodaeshon pruv to bi so. Di Paloh Siuits (di mos expensiv and mos luxurious siuits for di ship) wit praivaet promenade kost ova $4,350 as at di taim for a singul-wei transatlantik pasaij.

SS Niu Yok for ha nia kolishon wit di Taitanik

Di Taitanik meiden voyaij begin shotli afta noon on 10 April 1912 wen shi leav Sauthampton on di fes leg of ha journey to Niu Yok. An acident almos hapun onli a fiu minits afta, as di Taitanik pas di moord lainas SS Citi of Niu Yok of di Amerikan Lain and Oceanik of di White Sta Lain, di last of which for bi ha runin mate for di savis from Sauthampton. Ha hiuj displaesment kaus di tuw smola ships to dey lifted by a bulj of wota and then drop into a trough. Di moorins of Niu Yok kaebuls no fit tek di soden strain and so snap up, wey kom swing ha araund stern-fes towods di Taitanik. A niabai tugboat, Vulkan, kom to di reskeu bai tekin Niu Yok unda tow, and Taitanik kaptain orda say mek dem put ha enjins to "ful stern". Di tuw ships avoid kolishon bai a distans. Di incident, as wel as a subsequent stop to offload a fiu straglas bai tug, delay di depacho of di Taitanik bai at mos tri-quatas of an haua, while efots dey on to bring di driftin Niu Yok unda kontrol.

Bai di taim di Taitanik depat weswods akros di Atlantik, shi dey kari 892 kreu membas and 1,320 pasenjas. Dis bi onli abaut haf of ha ful pasenja kapaciti of 2,435, as na for durin di low season and shipin from di UK been dey disrupted by a koul miners' straik. Ha pasenjas been bi a kros-seshon of Edwodian sosaieti, from milionairas such as John Jekob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim, to poor emigrants from kontris such as Armenia, Ayriland, Itali, Sweden, Syria and Rossia wey dey seek for a niu laif for di United States.

Di Atlantik pat of di Taitanik itinerari, from Fasnet Lait (Ayriland) to Ambros Lait for di viciniti of Niu Yok

62-year-old Kaptain Edwod Smith bi di kaptain of di ship, di mos senio of di White Sta Lain kaptains. Him been get foh dekaeds of seafarin experiens and been sav as kaptain of RMS Olympik, from whe dem transfa am to komand di Taitanik. Di vast majoriti of di kreu wey sav am no bi traind sailors, but bi eida enjineers, faiamen, or stokas, wey dey responsibul for lukin afta di enjins; or stewods and galey staf, wey dey responsibul for di pasenjas. Di six wotch oficas and 39 abul seamen konstitiut onli araund faiv pa cent of di kreu, wit di majoriti joinin di ship wen e dey Sauthampton, and as a risolt lak di taim to familiaraiz demselvs wit di ship.

Di ice kondishons dey atributed to a mild winta wey kaus laj nombas of icebegs to shift off di wes koast of Greenland.

Faia been start for wan of di Taitanik koul bins aproximaetli 10 days prior to wen di ship depat, and kontinu to burn for several days into di voyaij, but dey ova on 14 April.[1]

14 April 1912


Icebeg warnins

Di icebeg wey plenti pipo don think say na am hit di Taitanik, as fotografd di monin of 15 April 1912 bai di chief stewod of SS Prinz Adalbert. Di icebeg dey repoted to get a streak of red paint from a ship's hull along e wotalain for wan side.

On 14 April 1912, Taitanik radio operators receiv six mesaijis from oda ships wey dey warn abaut driftin ice, wey pasenjas for di Taitanik been don dey notis durin di aftanoon. Di ice kondishons for di Nort Atlantik been bi di wors for eni April for di previous 50 years (wey bi di reason whai di lukauts dey unaware say dem don dey steam enta a lain of driftin ice several miles wide and plenti miles long). No bi aul of diz mesaijis dey relayd bai di radio operators. At dat taim, aul waiales operators for ocean lainas bi emploiees of di Makoni's Waiales Telegraf Kompani and no bi membas of kreu of di ship; dia praimari responsibiliti bi send mesaijis for di pasenjas, wit weather repots as a sekondari konsain.

Di fes warnin kom bai 09:00 from RMS Karonia wey repot "begs, growlas:  "A smol icebeg or ice floe wey dey beli visibul ova di surfais of wota." and field ice". Kaptain Smith aknowlej receipt of di mesaij. For 13:42, RMS Baltik relay a repot from di Greek ship Athenia say "icebegs and laj quantitis of field ice" shi dey strogul pass since. Smith, wey shou di repot to J. Bruce Ismay, di chiaman of di White Sta Lain, wey also dey travul for di Taitanik for ha meiden voyaij, also aknowlej receipt of dis mesaij. Smith orda say mek dem chenj kours, to tek di ship fada saut.

For 13:45, di Jerman ship SS Amerika, wey dey a short distans to the saut, repot say shi don "pas tuw laj icebegs". Dis mesaij no reach Kaptain Smith or di oda oficas for di Taitanik bridj. Di reason no dey kle, but e fit bi say bekaus di radio operators dey bizi dey fix faulti equipment, Dem forget to relay di mesaij.

SS Kalifonian repot "tri laj begs" for 19:30, and for 21:40, di steama Mesaba repot: "Si much heavi pak ice and great nomba laj icebegs. Also field ice." Dis mesaij, too, no komot from di Taitanik radio room. E fit bi say di radio operator, Jak Filips, feil to grasp e signifikans bekaus him dey preokupaid wit transmitin mesaijis for pasenjas via di relay steshon for Kaep Raes, Niufaundland; di radio set been break dawn di previous day, wey resolt for a baklog of mesaijis wey di tuw operators dey trai to kle. Dem receiv a fainal warnin for 22:30 from operator Cyril Evans of Kalifornian, wey been dey halted during di nait for wan ice field som miles ewei, but Filips kut am off and signal bak: "Shut up! Shut up! I dey wok Kaep Raes."

Although di kreu dey aware of ice for di viciniti, dem no redius di speed of di ship, and kontinu to steam at 22 knots, onli 2 knots short of ha maximum speed. Taitanik hai speed for wotas whe ice don dey repoted dey kritisaizd afta as rekles, but e reflekt standad maritaim praktis at dat taim. Akodin to Fift Ofica Harold Lowe, di kustom bi "to ga ahead and depend upon di lukauts for di krou's nest and di wotch for di bridj to pik up di ice in taim to avoid hitin am".

"Iceberg, raiht ahead!"


Taitanik enta Icebeg Aley

Di icebeg and di Taitanik for nait. Approximaet representashon wit saiz komparison.

As Taitanik aproach ha fatal kolishon, mos pasenjas been don alreadi dey dia bed, and komand of di bridj don pas from Sekond Ofica Charls Laitola to Fes Ofica Wiliam Murdoch. Lukauts Frederik Fleet and Reginald Lee dey di krou's nest, 29m abov di dek. Di air temperecho don fall to nia freezin, and di ocean dey komplitli kalm. Afta, Kolonel Archibald Gracie, wan of di sovaivors of di disasta, rait say "di sea bi laik glas, so smooth sotey di stas det reflekt kleli." Wi don sabi nau say such excepshonali kalm wota bi a sign of niabai pak ice.

Although di air dey kle, moon no dey, and wit di sea so kalm, notin dry to giv ewei di posishon of di niabai icebegs; if to say di sea dey rofa, waves wey dey break against di icebegs for mek dem dey moh visibul. Bekaus of a mix-up for Sauthampton, di lukauts no get bainokulas; haueva, binokulas repotedli for no fit dey efetiv for di daknes, wey dey total except for stalait and di ship own laits. Nondiles, di lukauts dey wel aware of di ice hazad, as Laitola been orda dem and oda kreu membas to "keep a shap luk-aut for ice, patikulali smol ice and growlas".

For 23:30, Fleet and Lee notis a slaiht haze for di horaizon ahead of dem, but no mek enitin of am. Som expats nau biliv say dis haze achuali bi a miraj wey kold wota wey meet warm air kausTemplet:Sndsimila to wota miraj for desertTemplet:Sndwen Taitanik enta Icebeg Aley. Dis ga risolt for a raizd horaizon, blaind di lukauts from spotin enitin wey dey fa ewei.[2][3]


Taitanik kours durin ha atempted "port araund"
Drauin of di Icebeg kolishon

Nain minits afta, for 23:39, Fleet spot an Icebeg for Taitanik pat. Him ring di lukauts bel tri taims and telefon di bridj to infom Sixt Ofica Jems Moodi. Fleet ask say, "E get eniwan wey dey dia?" Moodi replai tok say, "Yes, wetin you dey si?" Fleet replai tok say, "Icebeg, raiht ahead!" Afta thankin Fleet, Moodi relay di mesaij giv Murdoch, wey kom orda Quatamasta Robet Hichens to chenj di ship kours. Murdoch dey jenerali bilivd to giv di orda "hard a-stabod", wey ga risolt for di ship tila to dey muvd aul di wei to stabod for an atempt to turn di ship to port. Dis revasal of dairekshons, wen wi trai to kompe am to moden praktis, dey komon for British ships of dat era. Him also ring "ful astern" for di ship telegrafs.

Akodin to Foht Ofica Joseph Boxhaul, Murdoch tel Kaptain Smith say him been wan atempt to "hard-a-port araund [di Icebeg]", wey dey sojes say him been dey atemt a "port araund" manoeuva – to fes swing di bow araund di obstakul, then swing di stern so dat both ends of di ship ga avoid a kolishon. Delay dey befoh eida orda enta into efet; di steam-pawad steerin mekanisim tek up to 30 sekonds to turn di ship tila, and di komplex task of setin di enjins enta revas ga also don tek som taim to akomplish. Bekaus say di central turbine no fit enta revas, both am and di central propela, wey dey posishon dairetli for front of di ship rudda, dey stopped. Dis redius di efetivnes of di rudda, wey diafoh impe di turnin abiliti of di ship. If to say Murdoch turn di ship while maintainin ha forwod speed, maybe Taitanik for mis di Icebeg wit feet to spare. Evidens dey say Murdoch simpli signal di enjin room say mek dem stop, no bi revas. Lead Faiaman Frederik Barrett testifai say di stop lait kom on, but say evun dat orda no dey exekuted befoh di kolishon.[4]

For di event, Taitanik daireshon chenj jos in taim to avoid a head-on kolishon, but di chenj in daireshon kaus di ship to straik di Icebeg wit a glancin blow. An undawota spur of ice skraip along di stabod side of di ship for abaut sevun sekonds; chunks of ice dislodj from uppa pats of di beg and fall enta di forwod deks of di ship. Abaut faiv minits afta di kolishon, aul of Taitanik enjins don dey stopped, leavin diwey dey fais nort and di ship slouli drift saut for di Labrador Korent.

Efets of di kolishon

Di icebeg bukul di plaets, pop rivets and damaij a sequens of Kompatments. (Side viu.)

Di impat wit di Icebeg dey long thought to prodius a hiuj opunin for di hull of di Taitanik, "wey no dey les than 300ft for lengt, 10ft abov di levul of di keel", as wan raita put am afta.

Abov di wotalain, na litul evidens of di kolishon dey at aul. Di stiwods for di fes klas dainin room notis a shudda, wey dem tink say na bekaus didon shed a propela blaid. Plenti of di pasenjas feel a bump or shudda – "jos as though wi went ova abaut a thousand mabuls",[5] as wan sovaivor put am – but no dey aware of wetin hapun. Those for di lowes deks, wey dey niara di sait of di kolishon, feel am much moh dairetli. Enjin Oila Walta Hurst rimemba say him and odas dey "awakend bai a grindin krash along di stabod side. No wan dey veri much alarmd but wi sabi say wi don straik somtin." Faiaman Jeorj Kemish hear wan "heavi thud and grinding tearin saund" from di stabod hull.

Taitanik sink for tuw hauas and 40 minits.

Kaptain Smith feel di kolishon for him kabin and imediaetli kom di bridj. Wen dem infom am abaut di situashon, him somon Thomas Andrius, the biulda of di Taitanik, wey dey among a set of enjineers from Haland and Wolf wey dey obsav di ship fes pasenja voyaij.

From di taim of di kolishon to di moment of ha sinkin, at least 35000LT of wota flood enta Taitanik, and kaus ha displaesment to niali doubul from 48300LT to ova 83000LT.

15 April 1912


Preparin to abandon ship

Kaptain Edwod Smith in 1911

For 00:05 on 15 April, Kaptain Smith orda say mek di ship's laifboats dey unkovad and di pasenjas mustad. Bai nau, plenti pasenjas dey weik, havin notis say di enjins and dia akompaniyin vaibrashons don sodenli stop. Him also orda say mek di radio operators begin send distres kols, wey wrongli plaes di ship for di the wes side of di ice belt and dairet reskeuas to posishon wey dey inakuraet bai abaut 13.5nmi|mi km.

Di Sad Patin, ilustreshon of 1912

Last minits of sinkin

Ilustreshon of di sinkin of di Taitanik

For abaut 02:15, Taitanik angul for di wota begin inkreas rapidli as wota pour enta previousli unflooded pats of di ship thru dek hatchis. Ha sodenli inkreasin angul kaus wetin wan sovaivor kol a "jaiant wave" to wash along di ship from di forwod end of di boat dek, wey sweep plenti pipo enta di sea.

Afta anoda minit, di ship laits flika wans and then pamanentli ga aut, plungin Taitanik into daknes. Jak Thaya rimemba say him si "grups of di fifteen hundred pipo wey stil dey abod, dey kling for klustas or bunchis, laik swamin bees; onli to fall in masis, peirs or singuli as di great aftapat of di ship, tuw hundred fifti feet of am, raiz enta di sky."

Taitanik fainal moments

Imajind viu of Taitanik fainal plunj

Taitanik dey subjeted to extrim oposin fosis – di flooded bow dey pul ha dawn while di air for di stern keep ha to di surfais – which dey koncentrated for wan of di weakest points for di strukcho. Di ship disapia from viu for 02:20, 2 hauas and 40 minits afta e straik di Icebeg.

Pasenjas and kreu for di wota

Poket wotch wey dem retriev from di wrek sait, e stop and dey shou a taim of 2:28

For di imediaet aftamat of di sinkin, hundreds of pasenjas and kreu dey stranded dey kpai for di icy sea, soraunded bai debris from di ship. Taitanik disintegreshon durin ha descent to di seabed kaus buoyant chunks of debris – timba beams, wooden doors, furnicho, panelin and chunks of cork from di bulkheads – to roket to di surfais. Diz injo and posibli kil som of di swimas; odas yuz di debris to trai to keep demselvs afloat.

Those wey dey saefli for di laifboats dey horifaid to hear di saund of wetin Lawrens Beesley kol "evri posibul emoshon of human fear, despe, agoni, fias resentment and blaind anga mingul – I dey cetain of those – wit nouts of infinit surprise, as though each wan dey tok say, 'Hau kom e dey posibul say dis awful tin dey hapun to mi? Dat I ga dey kauht for dis death trap?Templet:'" Jak Thaya kompe am to di saund of "lokusts for a summa nait", while Jeorj Rheims, wey jump moments befoh Taitanik sink, deskraib am as "a dismal moanin saund wey I no ga eva forget; e kom from those poor pipo wey dey float araund, dey kol for hep. E dey horifaiyin, mysterious, supanachoral."

Di nois of di pipo for di wota dey skream, yel, and krai bi a tremendous chok to di okupants of di laifboats. As Beesley rait afta, di krais "kom as a thundabolt, unexpeted, inkonsivabul, inkredibul. No wan for eni of di boats wey dey stand off a fiu hundred yards ewei fit eskayp di paralysin chok of di awarenes say so short a distans ewei a trajedi, unbilivabul for e magnitiud, dey hapun, wey wi, heples, no fit avert or diminish in eni wei."

Afta abaut twenti minits, di krais begin faed as di swimas laps enta unkonsciousnes and death.

Luci, Laedi Duff-Gordon, rimemba say afta di disasta sey "di veri las krai bi dat of wan man wey been dey hala loudli: 'My God! My God!' Him krai monotonousli, for a dull, hoeples wei. For an entaia haua, na awful chorus of shrieks been dey, wey graduali kpai enta a hoeples moan, until dis las krai wey I tok of. Then evriwhe silent." For som sovaivors, di dead sailens wey folo dey wors than evun di krais for hep.[6] Lowe and him kreu faind foh men been wey stil dey alaiv, wan of them kpai shortli aftawods. Odawaiz, aul dem fit si bi "hundreds of bodis and laifbelts"; di dead "seem as if dem perish wi di kold as dia limbs aul dey krampd up".



  1. Fire Down Below Templet:Webarchive. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  2. Brod, Wiliam J. (9 April 2012). "A Niu Luk at Necho's Rol in di sinkin of di Taitanik". Di Niu Yok Taims. Archived from the original on 15 June 2018. Retrieved 15 April 2018.
  3. "Whe Icebeg Aley dey". U.S. Koast Guard Navigeshon Centa. Archived from the original on 15 June 2018. Retrieved 15 April 2018.
  4. "Dem put Taitanik enjins enta revas befoh di acident? > Tim Maltin". Templet:Wikidata entity link (in Ínglish). 2019-03-17. Retrieved 2021-08-10.
  5. "Testimoni of Mrs J Stuart White for di US Inquaiari". Archived from the original on 24 October 2018. Retrieved 1 May 2017.
  6. Robbins, William (April 18, 1982). "SKREAMS, THEN SEA'S SAILENS, STIL HAUNT 5 SOVAIVORS OF TITANIC". Di Niu Yok Taims. Retrieved 25 August 2022.




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