Sin eater na pesin wey dey eat rishual fud to tek komot bad spirit wey dey folo pesin. Dem bliv sey di fud go komot di sin wey di pesin wey kpai don get, wey go wok for im soul, Sin-eaters, kari di sin of pipu wey dem eat dia fud, dem no dey kount dem as enitin.
Pipu wey dey stodi kolsho tins put pipu wey dey eat sin fud as one kain rishual. E dey komon for Scotland, Ireland, Wales, kontris wey dey klose wit English an klose to Wales, an Welsh kolsho.
chenj-amWit di wey sin eaters dey for histri, pipu dey wonda hau dem dey pratis am, wia dem pratis am, an hau dem dey tek konet, na wetin pipu wey dey stodi abaut kolsho neva rili stodi wel.
Ogbonge pipu for Meso-America, Tlazolteotl, di Aztec wey bi vice for di gods, hau dem dey kleen dem, hau dem dey baff (reel nem meen 'Sacred Filth'), get role for di religion pratis. Afta pesin kpai dem go tok hol di bad tins wey don du to di gods, akordin to pipu wey don du am bifor dem go kon kleen di soul wen dey eatin di dirty.
Di 1911 Encyclopedia Britannicca tok for im artiku abaut pipu wey dey eat sin sey:
Di ezampu na wetin dem ci for market for 1893 insaid Drayton, Shropshire. Afta Dem du sarvis ontop di coffin insaid one haus, one wuman kon pour wine for evri pesin wey get glass kon pas am ontop di coffin wit 'funeral bisquit'. Insaid Upper Bavaria dem still get sin eater: Dem put kop cake ontop dead bodi, pesin wey dey klose wit di bodi famili go kon eat am. For Balkan peninsula one smol bread image wey dem du of di dead bodi na wetin pesin wey dey klose to am go kari chop. Di Dutch doed-koecks abi 'dead-cakes', wey dem mark bifor di pesin kpai, wey dem kari insaid America for 17th Century, na im Dem giv pipu wey kom for di burial for old New York. Di burial cakes wey Dem still dey du for pats of England, for ezampu Lincolnshire an Cumberland, na almost di sem as sin - eating.dem still get sin eater: Dem put kop cake ontop dead bodi, pesin wey dey klose wit di bodi famili go kon eat am. For Balkan peninsula one smol bread image wey dem du of di dead bodi na wetin pesin wey dey klose to am go kari chop. Di Dutch doed-koecks abi 'dead-cakes', wey dem mark bifor di pesin kpai, wey dem kari insaid America for 17th Century, na im Dem giv pipu wey kom for di burial for old New York. Di burial cakes wey Dem still dey du for pats of England, for ezampu Lincolnshire an Cumberland, na almost di sem as sin - eating.
For Wales an di Welish Matches
chenj-amDi word sin-eater na fom Welsh kolsho an dey holways dey wit Wales imsef an English kontris wey get boarder wit Wales.
Seventeenth - century diarist John Aubrey, for di stat pratis, rait abaut old Custome in Herefordshire sey sey To rent pipu wey no tu get moni, wey go tek hol di sin wey pesin wey don kpai du, one of dem wey dey stay for Cottage wey dey Rosse- high way. ( Na long ugly, wey dey komplain Raskel.) Di pattern na to go bring pesin wey don kpai for hause, dem go put am down ontop di Bierre, dem go kon giv di sin eater one smol bread wey go pas di kpai pesin, an one Mazar bowl of maple (Gossip bowl) wey dey ful of beer, wey e go drink. dem go kon giv di sin eater one smol bread wey go pas di kpai pesin, an one Mazar bowl of maple (Gossip bowl) wey dey ful of beer, wey e go drink. dem go kon giv di sin eater one smol bread wey go pas di kpai pesin, an one Mazar bowl of maple (Gossip bowl) wey dey ful of beer, wey e go drink.