Olaide Olaogun
Man abi wumanwuman Chenj-am
Kontri wey e kom fromNaija Chenj-am
Nem for lokal langwejOlaide Olaogun Chenj-am
Orijina nemOlaide Olaogun Chenj-am
Wen dem bon am9 July 1986 Chenj-am
Ples wey dem bon amLagos State Chenj-am
Fest langwejYoruba Langwej Chenj-am
Langwej wey e fit tok, rait abi yuz hand tokEnglish langwej, Yoruba Langwej, Naijá langwej Chenj-am
Wok wey e dey duactor, model Chenj-am
Wie e go skulLagos State University Chenj-am
Eye kolorbrown Chenj-am
Hair kolorblack hair Chenj-am
Personal pronounL484 Chenj-am

Olaide Olaogun or Olaide Omolola Olaogun Emmanuel (bon July 9, 1986) na Naija fim aktress and model. Shi bi forma Lux ambassador.

How shi stat life


Olaogun bon in Lagos on 9 July 1986. Shi du sekondri Skool edukashon for African Church Model College. And shi studi Inglish for Universiti of Lagos. Shi bikom popula for Naija and Ghana wen shi feature inside "Soul Sisters by Wale Adenuga for TV and shi akt for di Yoruba siris of Super Story. Shi tok ova di rol from Genevieve Nnaji to bí di face of Lux inside their advert in 2007 to 2009, shi bi ambassador for Diva hair extension, Fuman juice and United Bank for Africa (UBA).

Ha persona life


Shi marri Babatunde Ojora Emmanuel in 2015 and dey bon one pikin in 2016.