Margaret R. Yocom na folklorist an Poet. Shi bi profeso wey pipul respet wel wel and shi tish for George Mason Yunifasiti from 1977 to 2014 an stat hau pipul go dey stodi Folklore as one Program for di skul. Shi wok for Maine.

Hau E liv life an go skul chenj-am

Dem bon am for Pottstown, Pennsylvania,United States. Na shi old pass among Betty Keek an Norman Davidheiser Yocom.Shi first difelop e intrest for folklore for Pennsylvania Stet Yunifasiti as shi dey stodi Inglish(BA,1970) Shi kom go Yunifasiti of Massachusetts Amherst wia shi komplit di stodi an kom get M.A for Inglish an den e get PhD for Inglish (1980) an shi put all e mind for folklore. As e dey for U Mass, shi rait abaut Im famili folklore.Shi wok wit som of dem from usePennsylvania, Germany, Swiss an Danish famili memba dem.Shi stil join-bodi wit oda folklore famili dem like Steve Zeitlon,Karen Baldwin,an Marilyn White. Yocom wok wit pipul tek difelop di niu ethnographic type of stodi. As e rimen smol mek e finish wetin shi dey stodi for skul,shi stat to dey wok wit Smithsonian Institutions Festival of American Folklore,shi kom dey wok as field risash Kodineto for di 1976 ""Bicentennial FestivalNa shi bi prisenta for all di festival wey dem do until 1988,wen shi stat wok for summer for Maine.

Hau E tek do Akademik Wok chenj-am

For 1977,dem giv am one wok for George Mason Yunifasiti for di kampos wey dey for Virginia. Shi difelop one folklore stodi for student wey dey for Inglish dipatment,an di stodi get Folklore, Mythology an plenti Litresho inside for student wey dey for Inglish dipatment,kom stil difelop Folklore an Mythology Minor as Graduate Satifiket for student wey dey Kolej of Humanities an Soshal Sayens dem,kon stil difelop folklore stodi wey get plenti Folklore for student wey dey stodi for Masters of Arts for Dipatment of Inglish. For 1975 as e dey wok for di folklore Festival,Yocom jus see one FOTO inside some of di wok wey dem no wan yuz again.Dis FOTO wey shi see kom mek e enta anoda big risash wok. Na one Wood carver an komuniti Scholar wey kom from Maine dey inside di FOTO. Yocom don rait plenti buk dem an stil dey rait abaut Richard famili wey dey do wok,home making an Knitting wok for Western mountain of Maine. Shi put e mind for Meni tins abaut Maine Kolsho espeshali wood carving, textiles arts,an tradishona stori dem. Shi tok wetin shi Len abaut Maine,shi tok sey "I like to dey folo pipul,wok for longtime one Tim an to know di ton wel-wel,di mata wide an e dip wel-wel but I too like Rangeley"

Hau E do FOLKLORE Wok chenj-am

Shi don bi di folklorist an Kureto for Raneley Lakes Region Logging Museum. wey Rodney Richard stat sins 1986. Shi even volontia yo wok for Rangeley Lakes Region Historical Sosaiti an stil bi di prisenta for Meni of di New England Folk Festiva dem.