María Ester Grebe
Maria Ester Grebe Vicuña (dey bon am July 11, 1928 an e kpai November 1, 2012) na Chile wuman wey dey stodi pipul kolsho an e stil dey stodi an rekod how difren difren kolsho dey mek muzik. Grebe major wok na to rekod an gada muzik wey pipul wey kom from Chile kontri dey du.
How e tek stat life an go skul
chenj-amNa for Arica wey de Chile dey bon María Ester Grebe in July 11, 1928. E rid how to mek muzik from Yunivasiti of Chile. Grebe kolet e B.A sartifiket from di yunivasiti in 1965.Grebe stil kontiniu e stodi as e go Yunivasiti of Kalifornia an Indiana Yunivasiti in di late 1960s. Grebe stodi in Yunivasiti of Chile in di 1970s. Karen Yunivasiti Belfast give am Ph.D sartifiket in 1980.
Grebe rili wok for a long time as pesin wey dey stodis pipul kolsho an how dem dey like as sosaheti. Na how Chile kolsho an how di pipul dey du e fokus e wok pass. Grebe as eddy du e risach, go waka abaut di kontri as e dey go one festival or serimoni to anoda one. E go stil dey ask pipul kweshon from one topik to anoda. Grebe na professor wey don hey in di Dipatmet of Anthropology wey de Yunivasiti of Chile. Na di Yunivasiti e tek tish onti e ritaya in 2008. Grebe stil wok in di Dipatmet of Medisine as e stodi Mapuche tradishonal medisine. Pipul sabi Grebe wel wel for di wok wey e du as etek stodis how difren difren kolshor dey mek muzik an how di muzik dey du pipul wey dey lisin to dem. Grebe stodi muzikal tradishon of Mapuche an pipul wey dey stey in Chile. In 1964 an in 1977, dey give Grebe Guggenheim Fellowship awod mek e yuz am tek forda e muzikal risach.