Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi

Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi na Naija sayentis wey dey yuz di nolej of biology to protet an save di henvaromet. (Environmental Biochemist). E stil bi sayentis wey dey stodi graund or soil. (Soil Scientist) an a sayentis wey dey stodi di way kemikas dey hafet livin tins (Toxicologist).

Nwaichi risach aria na how to manej tins wey don waste, how to mek suo sey polushon no de an how to yuz plant or livin tins tek klin up di henvaromet mekin suo sey kontamineted matiriha no dey di soil again.

How e tek go skul an wok


Nwaichi get B.Sc., M.Sc an Ph.D satifiket in Biochemistry from Yunivasiti of Port Harcourt. E leta bikom a sinior leshura in dat yunivasiti. Bifor e stat to dey tish for Yunivasiti of Port Harcourt, Nwaichi don wok for Shell Oil Kompini for one year (2009-2010). Dey mek Nwaichi intanashonal felo at di 2013 L'Oréal-UNESCO Awod in Sayens. E bi memba of meni akademik hoganasashon Hoganasashon for di Women in Sayens for di Divelopin Wold, Amerika Kemikal Sosaheti, Intanashonal Phytotechnology Sosaheti, Intanashonal Sosaheti For Henvaromenta Teknoloji, Sosaheti for Functional Fud an Biohative Kompaund an di Nigerian Institute of Management.

In 2022, Nwaichi kolet di John Maddox Prize awod.