Emamode Edosio wey pipul no wel wel as Ema na Naijá fim-meka an fim dareto. Shi rid komputa Science in Ogun State University (Bsc). Ema go rid Digital fim makin for New York Film (NYFA) and Motion Pictures at di Motion Pictures Institute of Michigan, United States.E kolet di Best Fim and Dareto of the year by Sisterhood award. Ema kom bak to Naijá in 2013. Ema wok for fim prodoshion kompini like 66 Dimension in 2007. Leta, E work wit Hip Hop TV, Clarence Peter's at Capital Dreams Pictures, EbonyLife TV an as editor at BBC. Ema go bak to skul for Abuja to stodi how to du fim (Cinematography) wel wel. E don produs meni fims like Joy Ride chuko an dareted Kasala.

How e tek stat life an skul wey e go chenj-am

Ema na di nomba three pikin insaid di seven pikin wey e papa an mama get.E papa na pesin wey dey draw how hause go luk (Architect) an e mama na lory.Na fom Kristen hause Ema tek kom.Ema go Loral Nursery and Primary School, Festac town, Lagos.Afta e go Federal Government College, Odogbolu for e sekondiri skul edukashion but na S-tee Private Academy wey dey Festac Town e tek finish. Ema get BSc in Komputa Science fom Olabisi Onabanjo University, bifor shi go stodi Digital filmmaking at NYFA and motion pictures at the Motion pictures at di Motion Picture Institute of Michigan

Karia chenj-am

Ema kom bak to Naijá in 2013 afta wey e edukashon program for US. For Naijá, Ema wok wit 66 Dimension, Hip Hop TV, Clarence Peters at Capital Dreams Pictures, Ebonylife Tv an BBC. As a dareto, Ema don wok wit muzishian wey get mouth like TuFace, 9ice, Lord of Ajasa, Terry da Rapmanand an meni odas.Ema fest job at Ebonylife Tv na "Heaven".