sovereign state, transcontinental country, Mediterranean country, country
Part ofNorth Africa, Middle East, West Asia Chenj-am
Inception28 February 1922 Chenj-am
Nem for lokal langwejجمهوریّة مصر العربیّة Chenj-am
Official nameجُمهورِيّةُ مِصرَ العَرَبيّةِ Chenj-am
Short name🇪🇬 Chenj-am
E pipulEgyptians Chenj-am
Participant inWar of Attrition, Yom Kippur War, World War II Chenj-am
Named afterPtah, Mizraim Chenj-am
Official languageArabic Chenj-am
AnthemBilady, Bilady, Bilady Chenj-am
Cultureculture of Egypt Chenj-am
Motto textمصر أمّ الدنيا Chenj-am
ContinentAfrica Chenj-am
KontriEjipt Chenj-am
CapitalCairo Chenj-am
Located in time zoneUTC+02:00, UTC+03:00 Chenj-am
Located in or next to body of waterMediterranean Sea, Nile, Red Sea Chenj-am
Coordinate location27°0′0″N 29°0′0″E Chenj-am
Coordinates of easternmost point22°3′16″N 36°53′40″E Chenj-am
Coordinates of northernmost point31°37′48″N 25°54′0″E Chenj-am
Coordinates of southernmost point21°43′33″N 33°33′22″E Chenj-am
Coordinates of westernmost point30°9′17″N 24°42′3″E Chenj-am
Highest pointMount Catherine Chenj-am
Lowest pointQattara Depression Chenj-am
Basic form of governmentrepublic Chenj-am
Office held by head of statePresident of Egypt Chenj-am
Head of stateAbdel Fattah el-Sisi Chenj-am
Office held by head of governmentPrime Minister of Egypt Chenj-am
Head of governmentMostafa Madbouly Chenj-am
Has cabinetCabinet of Egypt Chenj-am
Executive bodyCabinet of Egypt Chenj-am
Legislative bodyParliament of Egypt Chenj-am
Highest judicial authoritySupreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Chenj-am
Central bankCentral Bank of Egypt Chenj-am
CurrencyLibyan pound Chenj-am
Driving sideright Chenj-am
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, Schuko Chenj-am
ReplacesKingdom of Egypt, All-Palestine Government Chenj-am
Described at URLhttp://68k.news/index.php?section=nation&loc=EG&lang=AR Chenj-am
HashtagEgypt Chenj-am
Top-level Internet domain.eg, .مصر Chenj-am
FlagFlag of Egypt Chenj-am
Coat of armscoat of arms of Egypt Chenj-am
Geography of topicgeography of Egypt Chenj-am
Has characteristicnot-free country Chenj-am
History of topichistory of Egypt Chenj-am
Railway traffic sideleft Chenj-am
Open data portalEgyptian Open Data initiative Chenj-am
Economy of topiceconomy of Egypt Chenj-am
Demographics of topicdemographics of Egypt Chenj-am
MadhhabMalikism Chenj-am
OpenStreetMap zoom level4 Chenj-am
Mobile country code602 Chenj-am
Country calling code+20 Chenj-am
Trunk prefix0 Chenj-am
Emergency phone number122, 123, 180 Chenj-am
GS1 country code622 Chenj-am
Licence plate codeET Chenj-am
Maritime identification digits622 Chenj-am
Unicode character🇪🇬 Chenj-am
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Egypt Chenj-am

Ejipt (Arabik: مصر Miṣr [mesˁr],    ), wey ofishali bi di Arab Repoblik of Ejipt, bi wan transkontinental kontri wey dey for di norteas kona of Afrika and di Sinai Peninsula for di sautwes kona of Asia. E dey bodad bai di Mediterranian Sea for nort, di Gaza Strip of Palestaen and Israel for di norteas, di Red Sea for eas, Sudan for saut, and Libia for wes. Di Gulf of Aqaba for di norteas dey separaet am from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Kairo bi di kapital and lajes citi of Ejipt, while Alexandria, wey bi di sekond lajes citi, bi wan impotant industrial and touris hub for di Mediterranian koast.[1] For aproximaetli 100 milion inhabitants, Ejipt bi di 14th-mos populaeted kontri for di wold, and di thord-mos populaeted for Afrika, behind Nigeria and Ethiopia.

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  1. Map, Ejipt Projets. "محافظة الأسكندرية". www.egy-map.com. Archived from the original on 2023-05-25. Retrieved 2024-02-14.