Brita Egardt
Man abi wumanwuman Chenj-am
Kontri wey e kom fromSweden Chenj-am
Orijina nemBrita Sigrid Anna Lovisa Mellander Chenj-am
Fest nemBrita, Sigrid, Anna, Lovisa Chenj-am
Famili nemEgardt Chenj-am
Wen dem bon am7 August 1916 Chenj-am
Ples wey dem bon amTrelleborg Parish Chenj-am
Wen e kpai4 February 1990 Chenj-am
Place of deathLunds Allhelgonaförsamling Chenj-am
PikinPeter Egardt Chenj-am
Wok wey e dey dudocent, ethnologist, folklorist Chenj-am

Brita Egardt (e papa nem na Mellendar; 1916-1990) na one pesin from Sweden wey dey stodi difren-difren pipul karata an hau dem rezembul an difren from each oda(ethnologist) an stodi of tradishonal biliv dem,stori an kostom dem(folklorist).Shi even do risash ontop pipul biliv an kostom dem.Shi wok wit Folklife Archive (Folklivsarkivet) for Lund Yunifasiti.From 1967 to 1973 shi wok as docent of Nordic an shi do risash tek help an balans difren-difren tradishonal biliv,stori an kostom dem(Nordisk och jamforande folklivsknig).Shi get maut wel-wel for mata wey konsan difren-difren pipul karata an kostom dem. Di Hastislakt och rackarskamwok wey shi kol(The Slaughter of horses and the shame of the Slaughterers), mek e get levul wel-wel for 1962 an shi folo join-bodi tek rait Schwediache Volkskunde.Quellen, Forschung.Ergebnisse(1961).Shi even kontrbut meni-meni hatikul dem ontop Tradishonal biliv,stori an kostom dem.

Hau Shi Liv E wen shi bi Smol-pikin,Hau shi go Skul an E famili dem chenj-am

Dem bon am for Trelleborg for August 7, 1916.Brita Sigrid Anna Lvisa Mellander na di girl-pikin of Arvid Gohfrid Mellander wey bi Postmaster an e waif , Augusta Matilda(Mattis). E papa nem na Johnsson.Na shi bi di sekond pikin.Wen shi finish skul for Malmos high Skul for girls for 1936, shi kom stodi Nordic stodi, histri of rilijon an Tradishonal biliv, stori an kostom (Folklore), an shi kom graduet for 1941.For dat sem 1941, shi Mari Otto Egardt wey dey wok for Bank an dem bon two pikin,Eva-Mia an Peter.Dem giv am doktoret Awod for thesis wey shi do ontop Slaughter of horses

Hau Shi Wok chenj-am

Afta shi wok as pesin wey dey helep(amanuens) for muziom wey dem yuz tek tok abaut histri(Historical Museum) wey Lund Yunifasiti for 1952,dem kom promot am to Prinsipa Asistant an dem stil gov am post as pesin wey dey kontro di ples wey dem dey keep histri infomeshon(archivist). From 1967 to 1973, shi wok as docent for Nordic an Tradishonal biliv, stori an kostom stodi dem an shi kom stil wok for stodi of difren-difren pipul karata an hau Dem difren an rezembul demsef.(ethnology)