==Alice M.Moyle==AM FAHA(25 December 1908-9April 2005)na one Osrelia pesin wey stodi abaut difren-difren pipul muzik(ethnomusicologist).

Hau Shi Liv E Laif an go Skul wen Shi dey Smol-pikin chenj-am

Dem bon Alice Marshall Brown for Bloemfontein,for South Afrika on 24 December 1908.Wen shi stil bi four(4) yias old shi follow e papa an mama kom wey bi Margaretta an Ellison Brown dem kom Ostrelia. Shi go Fintona Girl's Grammar Skul. Eni time wey Moyle dey wok shi go dey listing to song wey Afrika wuman dem dey sing.As shi dey listin to dis song dem,shi stat to dey get intrest for Muzik. Shi graduat from Yunifasiti of Melbourne as Bashelor of muzik for 1954 an shi kom stil get Masta of Arts for di Yunifasiti of Sydney.Wen shi kom bak to Melbourne,shi kom komplit PhD for 1975 for Monash Yunifasit, an na dis one bi di first PhD wey dem let am do for di Yunifasiti.

Hau Shi do E Wok chenj-am

Wen Moyle stat wok,shi dey do Tisha wok an e dey gada tori dem for nius. Shi kom Mari Murray Moyle wey bi enginia for eletronik an saund for 1933. As shi dey stodi for e B.A.,shi go one program wey A.P.Elkin wey stodi orijin,Sosaiti dem an Kolsho(anthropology), do an dis program

kom mek am stat to dey get intrest for

di eshient pipul Muzik an shi stodi di wok e don rekod wen shi dey do e M.A. Afta som time E hosband enkorej am an shi kom travul meni time go rekod eshient pipul Muzik dem an song dem. Shi bi part of di first pipul dem wey stat Ausralian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (wey dem don chenj to Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies or AIATSIS) an shi kom wok for dia ontil shi ritaya wen shi bi 70 yias old.Dem honor am wit fellow an shi kontiniu to dey do e risash wok and travul sotey shi tish 88 yias old. Moyle bi one of di pipul wey first stat Musicology Society of Australia an na shi bi di Nashonal President for 1982-88.Shi even dey among di International Council for Traditional Music for Australia. Bikos e know sey di matiria dem wey dem dey tek tish for di skul dem no plenti,Moyle wok wel-wel tek mek muzik an Dans Tradishonal an eshient pipul Muzik dem Kolsho,for 1992,an dis tin wey shi do get one video,two Vois for keset,one buk for student dem an som ton wey go helep Tisha hondasand hai to yuz di tin.